Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thoughts from today's long run

When setting out to complete a challenging workout, a different kind of thinking sets in. I've found this to be true whether a "challenging" workout is starting the first 3 mile run back after a hiatus, blazing through a speed workout, running a race, or -- setting out for the long run you've been anticipating all week because the training schedule hangs ominously on the wall next to your desk. The thoughts reflect anxiety, fear, excitement, and determination.

Training for my first marathon meant that I'd need to run distances I'd never tackled before. So each time I ran a longer distance for the first time, all I could think about for the first half was if I was going to make it back. Imagine? You set out for a 3.5 hour run and for the first hour and 45 minutes, the only thing that plays over in your head is "You're ok. You're gonna make it. Are you gonna make it? What's this gonna feel like? How many miles are we at?"

However once I hit the halfway mark, I always felt a huge weight was lifted and plugged on towards the finish, letting my mind wander aimlessly. That's when funny things start to happen. My blood sugar's low, I've been alone with my own thoughts for hours already, and let's be honest, runners are a little crazy to begin with.

Thoughts from today's 13 mile run into Salem?
1. Don't take a deep breath in Salem at low tide. MAN did Salem smell bad today.
2. Lots of people out with water belts today! Must be long-run-Sunday!
3. My garmin watch and/or Ipod armband cuts off the circulation in my right arm.
4. Salem smells REALLY bad.
5. When you get lonely, and you start singing aloud to your Ipod, you will definitely discover that there was a person around that corner, and yes, they definitely heard you singing.
6. I love when "Final Countdown" comes on at the end of a long run.
7. The YouTube video Caitlin posted to FB about what it's like to run a marathon cracks me up, particularly the beginning when the guy says "Here we goooo!" Also his sweet dance moves at mile 23 are pretty representative of my entire run.

But the best part about a long run? Eating lots of delicious food for dinner!
Happy running!


  1. :) glad you enjoyed the video! You actually crossed my mind on my 10 miler today. I thought about how insanely fast your marine corps pace was... I am looking forward to hearing how Boston goes for you!

  2. This reminds me of the chapter in Mindy Kaling's book where she details the revenge fantasies she entertains while running. Apparently it works wonders. Here's a snippet, but you can read the whole chapter when you come over this weekend!
