Saturday, January 28, 2012


RICE = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

And we are NOT happy about it. The IT band is winning this fight, so far.

Today I set out for a 16 mile run, stretched with the new foam roller Jon got me for my birthday, adjusted my IT band strap a few times, and by mile 7 was feeling pretty good. In fact, I actually quite enjoyed myself for 5 miles. Then as I was smiling and waving to a small family along the Danvers Rail Trail, I felt something go in my left knee.

I was 4 miles away from home.

I could have stopped at the next gas station, next sub shop, next pedestrian, anywhere really, and asked for a phone to have Jon come collect me. But I walked. I walked those 4 miles on this 40 degree day in my thin long sleeved t-shirt, IT band strap in hand, and thought.

What am I going to do?

I've never been more motivated to work hard at this and do well. I really want to OWN Boston. But if I don't do what all the books say and RICE it for a couple weeks, I will not make it to the halfway mark on April 16. Obviously we would be better off if I didn't have to take any time off, but I really think at this point that it's either take the time off, or forget about the marathon altogether.

Tomorrow's running purchase will be some paper cups for icing-- I've been icing using ziplock bags, but apparently that's no good because whatever you're icing can't get cold enough without direct contact. Who knew?

Happy running. Death to IT band injury.

1 comment:

  1. ?!?!?!

    I did not know about this!! I so need to be able to subscribe to this blog by email. Could you please set up so I can?? Please?

    Ow ow ow.

    Meanwhile I've been having IT band pain too, but mine is because they cut it open twice. It burns.
