Saturday, January 21, 2017

Blogging with a toddler on my lap!!

I think I (very periodically.) maintain this blog to shed some light into what it's like to train for a marathon, at least from my perspective. I never thought I would be a runner when I was younger, and when I did start running, never thought I'd have it in me to run a marathon. I think I want my readers to know that if *I* can do it, anybody can do it.

And "it" doesn't necessarily have to be running. It can be whatever you think would be really cool -- challenging, rewarding, growth-yielding, enjoyable. If you just keep plugging, good things will happen.

(Watch from today's run on my FAVORITE Minuteman Rail Trail, from Lexington to Davis Square. 50 degrees and running towards Boston amidst a sea of pussy hats and marathon trainers? Yes please.)

So in the spirit of shedding light on marathon training, I thought I'd shed some light on the crazy thoughts I have while running crazy miles.

1. Can I run this pace for two hours?
2. Food.
3. Zoe.
4. Can I run this pace for two hours?
5. That's a weird looking stick.
6. Can I run this pace for two hours?
7. Food
8. Jon.
9. School
10. School
11. School
12. School
13. Can I run this pace for two hours?
14. Margaritas
15. School
16. School
17. Look! Pussy hats!
18. Can I run this pace for two hours?
19. School
20. I'm getting tired. Time to try some dates as fuel.
21. Are these dates hurting my belly?
22. School
24. (Many dance moves in my head)
25. (Swear words)
26. School


The dates were a big deal today because Gu and Honey Stingers upset my stomach and ruin my run, so I've been searching for an alternative. Dates supposedly also have a good dose of electrolytes, which would be good as salt caps are a little too strong for me, and Gatorade makes my mouth taste disgusting. I think it was successful?! I generally try not to take fuel in my runs under 16 miles, but I want to figure out what kind of fuel works, and get my system used to it. I'm ok with it. It would be really nice if dates were a solution!!!

Ever wonder what it's like to be in my head, not just running, but in most situations? Enjoy. Especially about 3 minutes in. Loooove me some Pitbull!!!!

Happy running :D

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That clip am NOT what comes out in public, so thank you for blogging. :)

    See, that stuff goes on in my head too, but I think you do a better job of putting it in harnesses so it pulls in a planned direction. Like sled dogs, vs the same energy in a crazed mob.
